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                    Adopt a 







of mind


...Just like a skyscraper, no person can stand in their power without having strong Foundations.


Foundations come from within and at the same time they support whatever is shown externally.

To build strong foundations we first have to start in the dirt, this is where we have our first two modules and it's where people dig within themselves to find their gold. 


Once the Foundations are set we move into the Basement. In these next two modules, we show people what is possible by applying external behaviours which are aligned with their discovered Foundations - now we start to build!


Next is the Core of the person. It's where the ‘building’ that they are, starts to take shape, it's where they're heard and get noticed. In these four modules taking action seems effortless, life becomes intentional and results are quickly seen.


As a person moves into the Upper Floors of our program they are aligned with many parts of their ‘Being.' Through experiencing and applying the lessons of the previous eight modules there is clarity and a purpose to life. In these two modules of the Upper Floors people begin to really get intentional and driven to the direction in which they feel most congruent with because they have developed themselves in their higher selves. Here is where all the real fun starts.


When people reach the Penthouse of life, rarely is it what they originally believed it to be. Previous to doing the work of self-discovery, they realise it was a beLIEf, one that did not serve them. Upon entering the Penthouse they BE their LIFE. The life discovered which serves, and was chosen for them, by them.

I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’ll do it anyway.

I don’t know where I’m going, but I know I’ll get there.

I don’t know how I will get there, but I’m on my way.

I don't know what I’m meant to do, so I’ll make it up. 

Practice makes better & better sparks the spirit...

And action? Action makes the difference.

What serves me

Living aligned to my Values

Empowering Beliefs that enable me

Self-awareness & intentional behaviours

Wellness habits I create and prioritise

Self-assured and powerful Communication

Connected Relationships I choose to be in

Supportive Environments I create 

Knowing and investing in my worth

Understand what I want in life, and why

Being at cause & having direction

Giving. In any way I choose

Courageously BEing ME through freedom of expression

What does not serves me

Living in the expectations of others.

Limiting Beliefs and stories that keep me stuck

Destructive habits & Behaviours 

Feeling stuck & overwhelmed due to a lack of Wellness

Ineffective & disempowered Communication

Toxic Relationships I can’t leave

Polluted Environments which keep me small
Resentfully selling myself short 

Comparing & playing a small, safe game then being left confused

Being at effect of life and feeling lost

Living a life of fear and scarcity 

Conforming. A resigned life of regret and resentment

formal education

helps you become

but it

doesn't help you


















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